Population of Akwa Ibom State
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"The Akwa Ibom Project involves attitudinal re-orientation; cultivation of a positive mindset; instilling self-confidence through massive empowerment of our people; and the inculcation of the moral values of hard work, courage, honesty, service and pragmatic peaceful co-existence"

- Akpabio

Akwa Ibom State is located in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. It has a population of 3,920,208 and a land area of 6,900 sq Km. It is located between latitudes 4o 31’ and 5o 53’ north and longitudes 7o 25’ and 8o 25’ east. It comprises 31 kocal government areas. Uyo is state capial. Major urban centres include Uyo, Eket, Ikot Ekpene, Abak, Ikot Abasi and Oron.

major ethnic groups are Ibibio, Anang, Oron, Eket, and Ibeno. The vegetation is characterised by three easily distinguishable types namely the saline water swamp forest, the fresh water swamp and the rain forest


Immigration for occupational purposes moves a large population of working class indigenes to superior urban areas outside the state and country. Many hotels in the country crave the services of Akwa Ibom cuisines and crave the services of the natives for this purpose. Top federal civil servants make rather permanent residence of their stations, where they establish and support their family there too, some leaving their children behind when coming home finally on retirement.

A lot of our youths travel outside the country for advanced studies and do not return to the state at completion of their studies but enjoy the higher earning power in hard currencies which they transfer home frequently to support their parents.

Urbanisation in Akwa Ibom State has resulted in a population shift from rural areas to the urban areas. Apart from Uyo being the capital, there are many other urban areas like Ikot Ekpene, and Eket that attract majority of Akwa Ibom's population to the effect that about one third the population are in the urban areas.


Akwa Ibomites are renowned for their good sanitary dispositions in cooking and living environments. The state is experiencing improvements in mortality rates due to the improvement in health conditions, less smoking, less drinking, better nutrition, living and sanitary conditions. Altogether this should improve mortality rates of Akwa Ibomites to 70years from the present state of 55.

With government organised healthcare and disease control programmes there is bound to be lower mortality in Akwa Ibom State.


Women fertility in Akwa Ibom State is lower than their biological potential. constrained by limiting childbirth to married couples who in turn mutually limit childbirth to resource availability.

Moral restraint of social behaviour of the Akwa Ibom people where child upbringing between both parents and promotion of monogamy against polygamy means that most women do not begin childbearing upon reaching puberty, even with such potential most women of Akwa Ibom State are first engaged in education or getting gainfully employed.

When eventually a couple comes around to commence childbearing, they may both be gainfully employed and have to align childbearing with occupational challenges.

Even when such women become widowed they do not remarry as they have to maintain their jobs to support their single parent nuclear family.

Time was when women education used to end at secondary or high school education. With the establishment of more higher institutions in the state, the implication is that more women will move on to graduate level or even post graduate before marriage.

Population Distribution

2006 Population Breakdown

Demographic Trends

ABAK 139,090
EKET 172,557
ESIT EKIT 63,701
ETIM-EKPO 105,418
ETINAN 169,284
BENO 75,380
IKA 72,939
IKONO 131,904
IKOT-ABASI 132,023
INI 99,196
ITU 127,033
MBO 104,012
MKPAT-ENIN 178,036
NSIT ATAI 74,595
NSIT-IBOM 108,611
NSIT-UBIUM 128,231
OBOT-AKARA 148,281
OKOBO 104,057
ONNA 123,373
ORON 87,461
ORUK ANAM 172,654
UDUNG-UKO 53,278
UKANAFUN 127,033
URUAN 118,300
UYO 309,573

TOTAL: 3,920,208

Compared to the last population of about 2 million in ----- Akwa Ibom population of about 4 million in 2006 is rather instructive of rate of population growth. This is a result of rapid urbanisation, and the springing up of more urban centres within the young state.

There are no plagues, epidemics and other catastrophes that limits Akwa Ibom population. Rather various government health programmes in place added to improved transport and communication are lowering the state's mortality rate. Coming from a previous perspective of high fertility and high mortality rates when the state used to be more rural under the former enlarged Cross River State these changes mean that with declining mortality rates, unaccompanied by a reduction in fertility, the population is bound to explode.

This also means that acculturation is taking its toll on the population as the combined forces of tradition, religion, education, and marriage do not appear to check the rapid population growth.

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